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Simple procedure to install Linux operating system on the AWS

Why Linux?

Linux is everywhere, all the big MNC's used Linux as a server and a lot more and if you want to survive at the IT world you should be good in Linux.

Benefit of using Linux 

  • Highly secure
  • It's free
  • Open source
  • Can be customize

Installing Linux on the AWS cloud

Any cloud services that provide remote services, let us understand remote service by one example.

AWS provides one service called EC2, which provides RAM and CPU to launch operating system and terminal of this OS can be run on our local machine whether the RAM, CPU and Hard disk are somewhere on the data center of Amazon.

Some of the top cloud service providers are - 
  • Amazon (AWS)
  • Microsoft (Azure)
  • Google (GCP)

Steps to install Linux instance

Create an AWS account, some services are free there for one year and after login go to the 'services' section on the top left and click on EC2 service.


Then select 'launch instances'  and start following the procedure explained below.


Select the machine image of your choice, for the practical, I am choosing amazon Linux 2AMI.


The next thing you should do is choose the availability zone in your region, after selecting zone go for giving the hard disk to the instance and finally give the name to the key.


Finally assigned the default security group and also go for default steps to launch the amazon Linux.

Start the OS

  • Go to the EC2 dashboard
  • Tick on the instance checkbox
  • Click on start instance

For getting the terminal of the instance we need to do one more thing i.e. click the connect, on-location ec2 > instance > <instanceID>.


This process will give you an interactive shell of the Amazon Linux OS.


There are two more ways by which you can install another OS on top of your base OS.
  1. Virtualization
  2. By container technology
Thank you for reading till end.
